With all the coming and going, the Editor’s dogs had spent a couple of nights up at ARF on Yucca Mountain Road, the place to send your doggies if they need a little tune up in the training department when you are out of town. This involves rolling out Spicewood Springs Road, which this morning was open notwithstanding the hard rains last night. We overshot Yucca Mountain Road, but only because we were distracted by Crossing #4, which was especially pretty this morning:

Here’s the view looking south:

We then took the doggies on a walk around the Mopac-Lamar loop on Town Lake trail, counterclockwise, natch. It was beautiful down there, especially so because the doggies kept their deuce-dropping to a minimum. We’ve already discussed how we feel about the, er, opposite.
Anyway, Eli, who is rumored to be a bird dog, spotted some potential quarry.

I hung on tight, because Austin, hep and cool as it may be, is not ready to see a swan rip a dog to shreds.