Freedom ain't free

A floridly aging moron from New York

May 5, 2016

A beautiful moment in the Twitterverse, one among many in this crazy-ass election year:

Start with this…

Enjoy this Austin perspective…

And then look at this:

And then, our own modest contribution.

Longer Grieder here. We at Blueberry Town are not yet in such despair that we are all in for Hillary, but we do agree with this important point:

There are, of course, plenty of postmortems on Cruz’s campaign making the rounds today. I’d recommend the one by Katie Glueck and Shane Goldmacher, at Politico. And, for my own part, I’d just add that for all Cruz’s flaws, and even taking a maximalist view of his missteps this year, none of the many Republicans who ran for the nomination this year did more to stop Trump from taking over this failed party than Cruz did, so the schadenfreude being directed at him by certain corners of the establishment strikes me as entirely misplaced. Is Cruz likeable enough to be president? Apparently not; even so I’d say he’s considerably more likeable than Trump, in addition to being more sane, intelligent, dignified, and decent, among other things.

Indeed. Cruz was not our first choice in the original Republican field, but he was far from our last and he did the most to slow the Florid One’s populist romp on the right. Cruz was, in fact, the “sane, intelligent, dignified, and decent” — even if sometimes dickish and more often intransigent — alternative to the carnival barker who thinks tacos even can be served in a bowl.

Sheesh. Trump probably even thinks Cinco de Mayo is “Mexican independence day.”


The all-important state dignity question

May 4, 2016

After last night’s proceedings, this seems like the apropos tweet of the day:

Your Editor grew up in Iowa, and now (obviously) lives in Texas, so the alignment of our personal and state dignity gives us the quiet satisfaction that, sadly, is our last refuge in this benighted election year.

Austin controversies

Since we are all tossing around ride-sharing propaganda…

May 2, 2016

Sometimes the much-maligned Uber drivers turn out to be heroes. In this Austin case, an Uber driver and his passengers intervened on behalf of a woman who was being attacked at 7th and Colorado.

An Uber driver and his passengers scared off a man who police say was trying to restrain a woman in downtown Austin on Thursday night, an arrest affidavit said.

The man approached the woman Thursday night at West Seventh and Colorado streets and said “Hey, where are you going?” according to the affidavit. He put his arm around her and attempted to drag her into an alley, the document said.

She fought to free herself, witnesses told police. At one point, she tried to jump into a passing vehicle, but the driver locked the doors and drove away. The man then grabbed her again and continued to drag her, the affidavit said.

As she screamed and kicked, an Uber driver nearby got out of his car with his passengers, the driver told police. They yelled at the man to leave her alone; the man let go and began walking away, the affidavit said.

Friendly reminder, your City Council wants to put this guy out of work, and force these passengers to take taxis.


Don’t be this guy

May 2, 2016

Your Editor is on the road for much of the next few weeks, so Blueberry Town is too. In Boston, where it is cold and rainy, we spotted this Trump supporter parked very, er, belligerently….

Typical Trump Parker

Don’t be that guy. Even if one has to admire the emotional and intellectual consistency between the bumper sticker and the behavior.


Eeyore’s birthday!

May 1, 2016

Your Editor always learns about Eeyore’s birthday because the streets in his neighborhood, and all neighborhoods within a mile of Pease Park, are lined with cars and people in weird costumes coming to and fro. So it was yesterday. We wandered over for some craft beer — which makes anything better — and to take in the fun and funk. We prefer the early and more sober phase, so our pictures are like totally safe for work.

Craft beer makes everything better

Acrobatics, Eeyore's Birthday

Another action shot, Eeyore's Birthday

Bubble craziness, Eeyore's Birthday

And, of course, painted ladies:

Painted ladies, Eeyore's Birthday

Freedom ain't free

Authoritarians of the left and right

May 1, 2016

On the occasion of May Day, we are worrying about rising authoritarianism in the United States.

One of your Editor’s sterling attributes is that we have no impulse to tell people — other than perhaps our long-suffering offspring — how to run their lives or that they need to improve in some way. This automatically means that we have no empathy for social conservatives and “progressives,” both of which clubs are very much about enlisting government to “improve” me, you, and everybody else, regardless of the cost to human dignity, the purpose of life, and other such abstract concerns that make civilization better than its absence.

Both sides of course deny that coercion is their game, but each does such a great job in documenting the perfidies of the other that it is best simply to let their arguments stand. The hope of my lifetime, that the authoritarians of the left and right would discredit each other, was looking good in the 1990s but has since gone on life support, no more profoundly than in the current presidential election. The top four vote-getters are all authoritarians in direct proportion to their populism, are all very keen to lean on the state to improve people, or to persecute one group to benefit another (which is in fact how even most benign social improvement methods actually work out), supposedly because justice.

Here in Austin, or in at least my midnight blue neighborhood, the joy is all for Bernie Sanders, who promises to use the power of government to coerce an entirely different group of people than his predecessors. People love him for this. One teeny-weeny link to illustrate the default impulse:

Bernie Sanders supporters have hounded federal regulators with allegations about bias in the media, according to records obtained by The Hill through a Freedom of Information Act request.

A review of about 850 complaints to the Federal Communications Commission about the three major cable news networks throughout the campaign season found that one of the most popular objections came against CNN in the days after the first Democratic debate last October.

In what looked to be a coordinated effort, more than 160 complaints alleging CNN bias in favor of Hillary Clinton were filed. The complaints pushed a now-debunked story claiming the cable news network deleted favorable polling that showed Bernie Sanders won the debate.

Now, you might say that trying to get the government to dictate speech — and make no mistake, that is what these complaints are trying to do — is all about expanding freedom, because “corporations” or some such incoherence. Yeah, that argument is so old it is one of the chapters in the “Ye Olde Authoritarian’s Book of Power.”

Obviously, this is but one moment. But it is in fact an ancient tactic of the authoritarians, and we are seeing its rise on college campuses, the beating heart of the Feel-the-Bern movement. The latest rage — and we pun advisedly — among undergraduates and their fellow travelers on the faculty is to ban speech that offends their sense of justice. See the long list of cases at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), and the notorious campus speech moments from last year. The Yale case is typical. After having taken offense to a measured email written by a professor (who had objected to a puritanical policy regarding Halloween costumes, itself a regulation of expression), students demanded that Yale fire the professor instead of merely responding to her argument or objecting to it. Their first impulse, or perhaps their calculated tactic, was to appeal to authority to silence the professor, or teach the professor a sorely needed lesson, or something.

There are, of course, countless recent examples of this on both left and right. Authoritarianism is ascendant, and our great fear is that we will not see it discredited until something really bad has happened. In the meantime, people who promote the power of the state as a solution to other people’s problems would do well to consider this meme, which circulated in libertarian circles, from the Occupy Wall Street movement a few years back:

more government