
Tip-toeing in a dark house

April 23, 2020

Imagine you wake up in a house you have never been in before, and it is pitch dark, and there is no electricity. You need to find your way to the bathroom, and then the kitchen, and eventually to the outside. Your only option is to tip toe – there might be a Lego block, or you might fall down the stairs – and grope the walls and furniture, and eventually make your way as you gather more tactile information in little bits, with still no understanding of the bigger picture.

Everyone in the world right now, from the most sage public health expert to the wisest head of state to the anxious citizen shopping for groceries, is tip-toeing through that dark unfamiliar house.

Since the SARS-COV-2 virus first emerged in China at some point last fall, all leaders and followers have been deciding and not deciding, and acting and not acting, without the information necessary to know whether their decisions and actions and omissions will be correct in retrospect, or not. Every politician who orders a business closed, or not, and every person who decides to touch a surface, or not, is acting at roughly the same level of information, which is very, very, low. So low, that we will all make a lot of decisions and take a lot of actions that we will have the opportunity to regret, or for which others might call us to account.

How dark is the house? Very. Even as of mid-April, with all the world’s medical and biological scientists at work on the problem, the list of things that we do not know about SARS-Cov-2 and the transmission, mechanism of action, and treatment of its disease, Covid-19, is very long. Among the things that we do not know to any level of certainty:

  • Prevalence. We not only do not know how many current cases there have been in any given population, we don’t know how many there have been. Sure, certain experienced countries and homogeneous micro-states probably have better information than most other countries, but even when we have done extensive antibody testing, such as in California’s Santa Clara County, the extrapolations for the broader population have a huge margin of error.
  • Transmission. We know that an infected person in contact or close proximity to another person can transmit Covid-19. Other than that, there is a great deal we do not know, including whether the amount of virus at exposure makes a big difference, or whether strolling on a beach in high wind poses any risk at all.
  • R0, pronounced “R naught.” See here for the concept. R0 is the “basic reproduction rate” of the virus, which can be thought of as “the expected number of cases directly generated by one case in a population where all individuals are susceptible to infection.” The estimated R0 for Covid-19 has a massive proposed range, between 1.4 and 5.7, per the obsessively updated Wikipedia page. If you play with any of the epidemiological models, you quickly learn that there is tremendous leverage, and therefore uncertainty, in this number.
  • Rt. Rt is the actual transmission rate per case. In a nutshell, if “t” is above 1 then we are suffering an increasing rate of infection, and if it is below 1 we are gaining against the rate of infection. Click around this site for more, including purported Rt for each American state. The problem, of course, is that we can only measure Rt for cases we have confirmed, and we have very little idea how many cases there are that haven’t been confirmed.
  • The mortality rate from Covid-19. Notwithstanding evidence of excess mortality and the problem of people who die suspiciously without being tested, we probably know the rough number of Covid-19 as well as we know anything. What we do not know is the percentage of infected people who die, and under what circumstances, because we really have no clue how many people are, or have been, infected.
  • The mechanism and circumstances by which Covid-19 kills people. This is an excellent article on what we do and do not know about Covid-19’s mechanism of action, but only read it if you have a robust emotional state. There remains lots of mystery.
  • Who is at risk of dying, and why? We know that old age and various co-morbidities, such as diabetes, hypertension, compromised lungs, and autoimmune diseases are correlated with much higher mortality rates than for young and healthy people. We don’t know why some otherwise healthy people crash and become very ill.
  • Treatments. As the world’s doctors treat more patients and share their knowledge, we are learning more every day about how to respond to patients sick with Covid-19. In addition to practical interventional medicine, there are around 800 clinical trials around the world studying the safety and efficacy of old and new therapies. All this progress is great for people getting sick later rather than sooner, but we still have no clue whether we will have a robust cure in the near future.
  • Immunity, antibodies, and the testing therefor. We do not know the extent to which survivors of Covid-19 develop antibodies, how long they persist, whether they usually confer substantial immunity or only do so sometimes, how long that immunity persists — weeks, months, years? — and whether a test for antibodies, even if it works to do that much, is therefore a test for immunity.
  • Vaccines. There is a global scramble to develop a vaccine and test it sufficiently to green-light mass production and administration. Vaccines are moving along the developmental and regulatory process more quickly than under normal circumstances, probably in part because we are taking risks to accelerate their development. A vaccine would be like a light coming on in the dark house, showing us exactly the path to the front door. If we knew that the mortality rate from Covid-19 were very high, it might be wise to take even more risks to get a vaccine. But what if the mortality rate isn’t very high because the disease is far more prevalent than we now know? Do we want to take the risk of vaccinating the entire population with a short-cut vaccine if the mortality rate from Covid-19 is only, say, twice that of the seasonal flu?
  • Oh. And the models. There has been a lot of controversy about the various epidemiological models and their predictions under various social-distancing measures. “Listen to the experts!” being both the ultimate admonition and excuse for our times, models are necessary — no, they are not crackpot conspiracies — so that people in authority have some rationale for making decisions that carry the force of law. However, because those models need to embed assumptions about all of the variables in the foregoing bullets that we know little or nothing about, they inherently have extremely wide margins of error. In other words, they barely improve the likelihood that those decisions will ultimately prove to be the optimal ones, even if models help us choose a direction. As we pick our way through the dark house, the models are, perhaps, a flash of light, maybe a single distant lightning strike, that plays through the windows for a fraction of a second. We might see the top of the staircase, but we won’t see a toy left on the third step from the top, or the bad guy lurking with his cudgel.

When it comes to Covid-19, we — by which we mean literally everyone — do not know what is the case. We do not know where we are in the dark house, and where we can find a bathroom, the kitchen, and a door to the outside.

In the absence of useful information about the disease, it is easiest to rest on that which we do know: That lots of people are in fact dying from Covid-19, that more people will die of other things if the local healthcare system is overwhelmed by Covid-19 hospitalizations, and that social distancing incrementally reduces Rt and therefore probably also reduces direct mortality and morbidity from Covid-19 and, in a few very sad places, from an overwhelmed healthcare system.

Well, if incremental social distancing probably reduces direct mortality and morbidity from Covid-19, doesn’t that fact tell us that we need to keep up maximum social distancing?

Well, no. Because one can never derive “what ought” from “what is.” Call it “Hume’s guillotine” if you want to condescend to your less learned interlocutors. It is simply not logical to say “the entire country should stay at home and avoid all contact if it saves just one life.” You need to explain why saving just one life, or even thousands, justifies shutting down the country.

We knew why it made sense to “flatten the curve,” and it had absolutely nothing to do with preventing the total number of infections, or “saving just one life.” We were worried that in some jurisdictions, the healthcare system would be overwhelmed if the surge in Covid-19 cases requiring hospitalization, intensive care unit intervention, or ventilation far exceeded the capacity. If the healthcare system in a given location is overwhelmed, not only will patients with Covid-19 die because they do not get the best attention, but other people will as well. How many people would die of strokes and heart attacks and anything else because the ambulances are busy and emergency rooms are choked with Covid-19 victims, or because they were too afraid to see a doctor in the first place? So we made the judgment, when we woke up in that house, to avoid the risk of further injury and stay in bed for a while.

Whether or not the curve is flattened in any place according to the ex ante predictions of the modelers, we now know that in many parts of the United States the healthcare system has not been overwhelmed, and it is unlikely to be if we maintain some of the social distancing policies and social norms that prevented the spike in Covid-19 hospitalizations we all feared. Click here and go to your state of choice to see the excess capacity, at least under the current circumstances.

So, the old rationale for the most aggressive social distancing policies in the jurisdictions with vacant healthcare capacity no longer obtains. Does that mean that loosening things up will not result in more infections? Of course it will. “Flattening the curve” was meant to buy time. The “area under curve” (or AUC to you data aficionados) was not going to be smaller, it was going to be spread out over time. However many people were going to be infected if we didn’t flatten the curve are still going to be infected in the many months before we have a vaccine, if we get one. They just will be more likely to survive because the system won’t be swamped and the world’s doctors are learning more every day about how to treat patients.

But loosening will also come with many benefits: Jobs, the avoided destruction of the work of many lives, the end of isolation for people who are being driven to despair because of it, and relief from the profound fear of dying alone. And, of course, the resumption of school for the many children whose parents are not up to doing a better job from home.

Back to our house. The social distancing maximalists — people who want to prioritize the saving of lives from Covid-19 above other considerations, virtually without qualification — are essentially saying “stay in the bed you woke up in, no matter how badly you have to go pee, get a drink of water, or get out of the house.” After all, that reduces the risks of an accident from fumbling in the dark to zero. Sure, you’ll wet the bed and you will be very anxious because you cannot explore this strange house you’ve never seen before, but at least you will run zero risk of falling down the stairs.

But what if the house is on fire, and you just don’t know it yet? Well, the house is on fire if you are out of work with no savings, or the business you spent a lifetime building is being destroyed. We don’t know for sure that we will die from fire, but we can smell a whiff of smoke and it is making us very anxious.

In any jurisdiction where the healthcare system has excess capacity and is likely to continue to do, there is now a new decision to make. We know that even a little reopening will cost lives to Covid-19 at the margin. We also know that relying only on that fact – that thing that is – to tell us what we ought to do next, is not intellectually honest. So how should our leaders decide how to tip toe forward in the dark?

One group of experts — “Harvard” is the tell in the linked story — says that it is not safe to reopen the economy until we are doing 20 million tests per day, up from around 150,000 today, and we have developed a network of 100,000 “contact tracers” to run down outbreaks and such.

One needn’t have the experience of having built up a large industrial organization to know that only professors, with secure jobs funded by a $40 billion endowment, could think this way. Even with an extraordinarily effective government agency in charge — think NASA in the moonshot years — this would take months to do. Months during which poverty deepens and the accomplishments of many lives are destroyed. And, it must be said, there is no subject on which Americans of all political parties agree (albeit for different reasons) more than that there is no such extraordinarily effective government agency.

The Harvard idea is to stay in bed, come what may, until the sun shines through the windows and we can see the hazards in this strange house. Essentially Harvard says, “assume the house isn’t on fire and we have all the time in the world.”

The fact is, in parts of the country where the healthcare system is not overwhelmed and is unlikely to be, there are other considerations that are appropriately weighed against the more than “just one life” that we will lose to Covid-19 when we loosen restrictions. For starters, there are the excess deaths and morbidity that spring directly from poverty and the despairing confinement of social distancing. That is a cheap and unbecoming answer though, because it implies simple math, measuring lives lost by one policy versus those lost by another.

In any case, the “simple math” will not be nearly so simple in advance, because we know so damned little about this virus for all the reasons above. We simply do not know how many lives will be cost by policy changes, changes in social norms, and the like under different circumstances, because the models have such massive margins of error because the assumptions in the models are backed by experienced guesswork more than scientific knowledge.

There are also other costs than lives, including the shattering of dreams and the loss of hope and the sheer wretchedness of poverty. And, no, we cannot simply solve all of that with more money from the federal government. That money may help, but it does not substitute for purpose and industriousness and pride of accomplishment. It also comes at the cost of burdening the standards of living of the rising generation, since the piper will eventually be paid in either painful inflation or very high taxes.

Maximalist social distancing destroys. We know that just as we know that it saves people from dying from Covid-19. How we and our leaders reconcile those trade-offs, and they are inescapable, will be well-understood only in retrospect. This we do know: If you believe either that we must all stay in bed in the dark and burning house until the sun comes up or that we should rush around in the dark scrambling for any exit at any risk to our life and limb, you are not being serious about the problem of making a necessary and unavoidable decision on very little useful information.

We believe that we Americans and our leaders will have to start exploring the house, little by little, and find our way to the front door. We will need to start tip toeing and groping our way, because we simply do not have the information we need to know that the right decision is to rush headlong for the exit, or explore the house comprehensively in leisure, or lie in bed until the we have perfect information.

Come what may.

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  • Reply Frank Natoli April 23, 2020 at 10:17 am

    “it is not safe to reopen the economy until we are doing 20 million tests per day”
    For all the times I’ve seen statements like that, whatever the number, I’ve never seen an explanation of how testing causes safety. Never.
    What are you going to do with the test results? Forcibly quarantine those found infected? Paint their doors or foreheads with some indelible marker? Publish a table on the front page of the New York Times? What?
    And if you’re unwilling to answer that, why are you demanding testing?

    • Reply Dan A April 23, 2020 at 10:35 am

      @Frank Natoli: Earlier diagnosis = earlier treatment. It also enables the infected to notify those they have been in contact with as a means to help localize the spread – which would be the responsible thing to do but cannot be forced. Also, with the assumption (only an assumption at this point) that we create antibodies to the virus once we’ve contracted and defeated it, knowing you actually had it might allow you to return to the workforce. Also knowing who actually had it would increase the number of candidates that can donate potentially life saving plasma afterwards. Lastly, the more people that we know have contracted the virus, the more we can learn from it.

      • Reply Frank Natoli April 23, 2020 at 11:32 am

        There is no treatment at this time.
        Article in NY Post today says 88% of those put on ventilators die [apparently because lung damage is irreversible].
        I am all in favor of using knowledge of infection to proceed with contact tracing but if you’re not going to force quarantine, and apparently you’re not even going to force contact tracing, to what end?
        Lots of what you say is correct, but notice those in authority demanding testing aren’t saying it, and most certainly are not suggesting any mandated consequences of a diagnosis of infection.
        So if we have 20,000,00 tests a day AND everybody testing positive behaves with conscience THEN we have “safety”?
        So “safety” is not strictly a function of 20,000,000 tests a day, it’s a matter of conscience?

    • Reply Annie April 23, 2020 at 11:05 am

      And the “test” is just a snapshot – which may or may not be an accurate measure of something- at one time. It guarantees nothing beyond that time and day. How many times does one have to be “tested” to be “safe” for something? It’s ludicrous and not logical. And that’s even before you get to the question of What then? As you note.

  • Reply Rosa April 23, 2020 at 10:37 am


  • Reply John Blackburn April 23, 2020 at 11:29 am

    “However many people were going to be infected if we didn’t flatten the curve are still going to be infected in the many months before we have a vaccine, if we get one”

    Regardless of what people might have originally meant when they said “flatten the curve”, I don’ t see why it is true that the area under the curve needs to be the same. To see this, first imagine an extreme case – that we stay physically distant until a vaccine is perfected and mailed to each home. In that case, there would be far fewer infections. Now imagine a less extreme case — the brakes are repeatedly pumped as we oscillate between social distancing and interaction. If we pump the brakes enough, there will still be far fewer infections.

    • Reply Editor April 23, 2020 at 11:33 am

      I agree, actually. I think that is a nuance, but an important one. We will learn how much activity we can resume with without a big reacceleration.

    • Reply Ann K. April 23, 2020 at 12:09 pm

      Coronaviruses mutate far too rapidly for there to be a vaccine. If we don’t even have a vaccine for the common cold, much less HIV, then it’s even less likely that one could be developed for this monster.

  • Reply NM Objectivist April 23, 2020 at 12:55 pm

    A good essay on our dilemma today. I like the title. I have to comment on this though:

    Ayn Rand solved the classical IS-OUGHT problem with her new theory of ethics. For more see her essay in The Virtue of Selfishness. It’s an intentionally provocative title but it’s about rational egoism as a system of ethics. The funny thing is we all sort of practice it while denying it.

  • Reply Lloyd April 23, 2020 at 1:10 pm

    The damn house is on fire, yet you conclude we need to just “start exploring the house, little by little”? Okay, I get that that’s better than rushing around in a panic, but it understates the imperative of getting out of a burning house quickly. Yes, we do need to remain calm. But we also need to take a deep breath, hold it, and get out the house, now!
    Secondarily, I may have missed it, but did you consider the future political implications of this precedent that a free people can be suppressed and incarcerated while the government tiptoes and gropes around – ostensibly looking for an exit? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? A free people can find there own way out. The government can just step back and offer guidance in the dark.

  • Reply John Moore April 23, 2020 at 1:11 pm

    I found the “flatten the curve” description to be incomplete. Sure, the initial goal was to lessen the peak on the medical system. But that needn’t be the goal now – especially since the medical system has yet to find effective treatments.

    Experience in other countries has shown that if we flatten the total infection curve, not the rate of infection curve, we can greatly reduce the total number of people who get it, and thus the number who die. In other words, if we can use social distancing to drive the rate of infection way down, we can then let up quite a bit, using massive testing and contact tracing to combat any small outbreaks that pop up. This has been done from the start in Taiwan, and they have almost no cases. Australia has been doing this, and their number of new cases per day is now in the single digits. South Korea is having a lot of success with this approach.

    Also, this approach allows social distancing to be done at a small scale – so if there’s a flareup, it’s local and you crank up distancing (and testing and tracing) just in that area, and test people who leave it.

    And, this is the approach in the Trump guidelines.

    That will save, in the time it takes to get a vaccine, hundreds of thousands of lives.

    Another approach often mooted is to isolate the vulnerable, and let everyone else develop immunity – the “herd immunity” approach. But, it turns out that isolating the vulnerable is a lot harder than it seems. As one of them, I am in self isolation, but I still have to interact with people frequently, if briefly. If the epidemic was just turned loose, there will be a period of a month or so where a high percentage of the total “non-vulnerable” population will be contagious. Also, our experience with rest homes should show that isolation of the vulnerable doesn’t work well. Finally, in the US, over 40% of the population rate as vulnerable, when you consider comorbidities.

  • Reply Christopher Chambers April 23, 2020 at 2:02 pm

    This reminds me of a white collar version of the Trump/Fox News hydroxychloroquine gaslight…because its a two phase diversion: first the lies about the “cure” second, it diverts from the utter lack of central, coherent competent expert policy and the lies, buffoonery, pandering #DontTestDontTell, inserting Jared into the supply chain, bailouts and chicanery, bleeding states and sickening the populations you know are coming after you in November even if they have to be trucked in on ventilators, firing experts who are working on vaccines/muzzling others and forcing them to reguritate sophistry. It goes on and on. Yes its a dark room. But he have floodlights. The miscreants in charge just don’t want to use them for reasons of ego and dogma. It’s not any more complex than that.

  • Reply Greg April 23, 2020 at 3:50 pm

    This is the best article I have read about our current situation.

    • Reply Editor April 23, 2020 at 10:01 pm

      You are very kind. Thank you.

  • Reply Was It All a Terrible Mistake? – Daily Pundit April 23, 2020 at 5:00 pm

    […] Tip-toeing in a dark house – Blueberry Town […]

  • Reply Mitsu Hadeishii April 24, 2020 at 12:16 am

    Of course we need to figure out the right time to make the tradeoff between saving lives and locking things down. But there are some mistakes in this article worth mentioning.

    1) If all you can do is social distance, then yes, social distancing doesn’t change how many people will die, it only delays it. But if you also can do contact tracing and other public health interventions (wearing masks, etc.), you CAN stop the virus long before it infects most of the population, without locking down forever. I am currently with my relatives in South Korea and most everything is open and there were zero new cases recorded in Seoul yesterday, no lockdown, most people wearing masks. There have been numerous small outbreaks since the first big wave caused by a single superspreader and all of them have been suppressed with robust contact tracing and mild social distancing guidelines. It’s been seven weeks from the peak and no sign of a resurgence. Even if there is another surge — there’s literally no reason to think South Korea’s methods won’t work to stop it. This virus has been stopped here.

    2) There is no one suggesting that you need to lock down forever if it saves even one life. Even the Harvard estimate referenced above doesn’t argue that.

    3) We DO have a good handle on the infection fatality rate. I won’t get into the technical details but even before the recent seropositivity study in New York released today, you can figure out the lower bound has to be something like 0.5% – 0.6%, which means at least a million people dead if we don’t stop it as South Korea and Taiwan have done. Today we found out that about 14% of New Yorkers have been infected by the virus, meaning based on current estimates of around 16,000 deaths due to COVID-19, the infection fatality rate is approximately 1.15% in NYC at this time. That would mean over 2 million deaths in the US if the same thing happened everywhere.

    You don’t need to social distance forever and you don’t need 20 million tests/day. South Korea has this controlled with many fewer tests/day, through mask wearing, contact tracing, and other basic public health initiatives. Lock down long enough to let those other initiatives work. Get people to wear masks. And we can all get out of this lockdown.

    • Reply Editor April 24, 2020 at 6:27 am

      So, I agree that South Korea has done a great job in the management of this, and that it is theoretically possible to do as you say. I just don’t believe that we have it in the capacity of our government or the culture of our citizenry to do as South Korea has done. We did not even have the political and cultural wherewithal to do contact tracing during the HIV epidemic, when it ought to have been much easier. More than 700,000 people have died of HIV/AIDS because we could not agree to do contact tracing. I think that contact tracing is a technocratic answer that certainly can work in relatively small homogeneous countries with strong central governments. We are a heterogeneous continental country with an exceedingly low trust in government even in the best of times.

      As for masks and other precautionary behavioral changes and such, at least here in Austin people were moving to adopt masks even before the government suggested them. People don’t wear them when exercising out doors, but they absolutely do in public indoor spaces. I think they are less widespread in more rural areas, but I suspect they will be adopted as the risk in those areas rises.

  • Reply Brandon April 24, 2020 at 11:00 am

    Great summary of the state of play, and thanks for the helpful dark room metaphor. Is there any precedent in history for leadership decisions made affecting so many people in such consequential ways with so little good data? On one hand we have extreme views of Nassim Taleb, ‘we need to eliminate the entire left tail of the distribution,’ and on the other we have Holman Jenkins, skewered for suggesting that we apply a QALY (Quality adjusted Life Year) metric to assess cost/benefit of interventions. Neither is workable politically, as we are seeing throughout the entire world and a diversity of political orders.

  • Reply Sunday Reading 04/26/2020 | Romick in Oakley April 26, 2020 at 8:31 am

    […] Transmission. We know that an infected person in contact or close proximity to another person can transmit Covid-19. Other than that, there is a great deal we do not know, including whether the amount of virus at exposure makes a big difference, or whether strolling on a beach in high wind poses any risk at all.  Read More > at Blueberry Town […]

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    […] “Tip—toeing in a Dark House”/Blueberry Town Blog […]

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